With the recent college scandal, what can you do? 對於大學招生醜聞,你能做些什麼?

Acton Academy Taipei

With the recent college admissions scandal, is college even a good idea for your child anymore?

Here’s what Acton Academy founder, Jeff Sandefer, shares that he’ll do for his own kids:

"Given the university admissions scandals in play, I thought I’d share our (current) college plans for our boys:

1. We give them the funds we set aside for college. Their decision.

2. Our recommendation:

* Apply to as many high end schools as practical.
* Save your money. Defer admission to your favorites.
* Work VERY hard to get a super cool, high end apprenticeship-job at a top company in your area of specialization.
* After ten months, decide if you want to defer again or go to college.
* If after three years you’ve advanced, no need for college, but you always can tell people (and put on your resume) you were accepted to Stanford and MIT and chose not to go because you were too busy in your calling. 
* In the interim, you can have earned every high end certification in your field.
* OR, you can keep working and knock out the first two years online and then go to college for the last two (and most valuable) years at 1/2 the cost and 1/10th the waste of time.

In other words – lots of optionality and capturing the credential without the cost."

What do you think about this approach?


還記得2019年美國的大學招生醜聞嗎? 你曾猶豫讓孩子升大學是否還是一個好的主意? 以下是美國Acton Academy創辦人Jeff Sandefer分享他自己為孩子做的:


1. 我們把為他們準備升大學的錢交給他們,由他們來做決定。

2. 同時也提供我們的建議:

  • 盡量申請好的學校,越多越好。

  • 省點錢。為了你喜歡的,可以延遲入學。

  • 盡全力爭取你專業領域內頂尖的公司中,一個超酷且最好的實習機會。

  • 十個月後,再來決定你是否要繼續延遲入學,或上大學。

  • 假如三年後,你已經很有實力了,不再需要上大學。你還是可以告訴別人(並寫入你的履歷),你曾經被史丹福大學麻省理工學院錄取,但是因為你已經找到你人生的熱忱與天賦、並且忙於其中,所以你決定不入學。

  • 在這期間,你可以取得該領域最頂尖的各種證照。

  • 或者,你可以繼續工作,同時完成大學前兩年的線上課程,然後最後再去學校完成最後兩年,你只需要一半的學費和浪費十分之一的時間。

